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Novi izdelki
Can you polish and wax Paint Protection Film (PPF)?
Proper Care and Cleaning of PPF Paint Protection Film (PPF) offers an excellent way to protect a vehicle's paint from scratches, stone chips, and ... -
Choosing the Right Paint Protection: Wax, Ceramic or Paint Protection Film (PPF)?
Wax, Ceramic or Paint Protection Film (PPF) – Which Paint Protection Is Right for Your Vehicle? In our blog post, we highlight the pros and cons of different technologies and show how SWISSVAX has developed innovative solutions like the water-based KERAMIQ9 and our PPF Care Series to perfectly combine shine, protection, and hydrophobicity.
Car Wax vs. Ceramic Coating – Which Paint Protection is Best?
When choosing the right paint protection, many car owners face the decision: traditional car wax or a ceramic coating? Both options have their pros and cons. In this article, you'll learn which solution is best for your vehicle.